Máy đo độ cứng cao su Asker MD-1 capa Mã đặt hàng: 6966

Máy đo độ cứng cao su Asker MD-1 capa (Mã đặt hàng: 6966)

Xem tất cả 44 sản phẩm của thương hiệu Asker

Ứng dụng: Máy đo độ cứng cho các mẫu mỏng và nhỏ của các loại cao su khác nhau, chất đàn hồi nhiệt dẻo, chất dẻo không cứng.

Thông tin tồn kho:
Liên hệ
Mã sản phẩm MD-1 capa
Thương hiệu: Asker
Đơn vị tính: Cái
Quy cách đóng gói: Đang cập nhật
Trọng lượng tạm tính: 20Kg

Micro Gum durometer

Model: MD-1 capa


Measurement time
About a minimum of 3 seconds for one automatic measurement cycle.
Measurement objects
Capable of measuring the hardness of small rubber parts including those for automobiles, electronic circuits, office machines in the product shape instead of conventionally used test pieces. Selection of three modes, [PEAK HOLD], [TIMER HOLD], or [NORMAL] as standard.
The timer may be set by the second to a maximum of 15 seconds.
Connectable to PC via Ethernet or RS-232C interface.
Equipped with application software for measurement.
Type A for general rubbers and Type C for soft rubbers

Operation buttons


  • MEASURE···To start testing actions
  • PRINT···To print out measurement results
  • RESET···To set the sensor and indicator return to original status
  • AUTO···To automatically print/reset switching
  • MODE···To select measurement mode from "Peak hold", "Timer-hold", and "Normal."

Application software for measurement *Included with shipment

  • Starting and finishingf measurement
  • Measurement of peak value and timer-hold value
  • Measurement of the decrement of hardness values (every 100msec)
  • Data may be easily exported to Excel.
  • Data saved in csv format.


Loading method

Cantilever shaped leaf spring

Indentor design (mm)

Type A···0.50H Φ0.16 Cylinder

Type C···0.50H Φ1.00 Hemisphere

Pressure foot size(mm)

Type A···Outer diameter: 4.0 Inner diameter: 1.5

Type C···Outer diameter: 9.0, Inner diameter 2.0

Spring load mN(g)

0 point 22(2.24)

100 point 332(33.85)

Minimum readout value

0.1 point

Sensor's descent speed control

Air damper

Adjustable height range (mm)

0-67mm (Distance between specimen table and pressure foot surface)

Measuring mode

Peak Hold mode (Measurement of the maximum readout)

Timer Hold mode (Measurement of the value after a preset time following the attainment of the peak hardness value)

Normal mode (Measurement of real time value)

External output

Ethernet or RS-232C interface


Data printing, statistic calculation, upper and lower limit setting, accept/reject judgment

Power source

AC 100V-220V

Weight (kg)


Intended specimen type

O-rings/Packings/Rubber sheets/Precision rubber parts/Rolls/Belts/Hoses

Outer dimensions (mm)

Optional accessories




O-ring jig
Four types of V-block for O-ring measurement are included with shipment:
[Measurable wire diameters]
.Φ0.8 - 2.0mm
·Φ1.2 - 3.0mm
·Φ1.6 - 4.0mm
·Φ2.0 - 5.0mm


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