Đồng hồ vạn năng Fluke 773 Mã đặt hàng: 31522

Đồng hồ vạn năng Fluke 773 (Mã đặt hàng: 31522)

Xem tất cả 133 sản phẩm của thương hiệu Fluke

Ứng dụng: tạo ra nguồn điện bằng cách biến đổi động năng thành điện năng với nhiệm vụ cung cấp dòng điện cho các hệ thống, thiết bị hoạt động.

Thông tin tồn kho:
Liên hệ
Mã sản phẩm 773
Thương hiệu: Fluke
Đơn vị tính: Cái
Quy cách đóng gói: Đang cập nhật
Trọng lượng tạm tính: 1Kg
Nhiệt độ hoạt động: -10 °C to 50 ºC
Nhiệt độ lưu trữ: -25 °C to 60 °C
Độ ẩm hoạt động: < 90 % @ < 30 °C; < 75 % @ 30 ~55 °C
pin: (4) 1.5 V, Alkaline, IEC LR6
Thời gian làm việc: 12 giờ

Milliamp Clamp Features


How it saves time and money

Measure mA signals for PLC and control system analog I/O without breaking the loop.

Measures low level dc current

Correlate process indication with real physical value

Measure output signals from transmitters without breaking the loop

Maintain and troubleshoot process and automation equipment without breaking the loop

No disruption to the process

Detachable clamp with extension cable

Measurements in tight locations

Enables measurements in difficult situations

Source, simulate and measure mA signals in circuit (break the loop)

Confirm non-contact measurement. ve the next tool in hand for troubleshooting (source simulate)

Eliminates the need to return to the shop to get a loop calibrator for troubleshooting after finding a bad signal with non-contact measurement

Source and measure VDC

Troubleshoot voltage input and output devices.

Measure presence of 24V loop power. Measure 1 to 5 or 0 to 10V process signals. Test chart recorders

4 to 20 mA In/out

Dual channel mA source and measurement for troubleshooting

Source 4 to 20 mA signals into valves and mA signal conditioners and simultaneously measure 4 to 20 mA positioning output signals.

4 to 20 mA scaled output

Scaled mA output provides a mA signal output representative of the measured mA value

Connect a logging DMM and log the mA signal without breaking the loop

Loop power supply

Power a transmitter

Substitute testing of the installed 24V loop power supply. Power a transmitter and measure its mA output signal for troubleshooting.

Dual backlit display with both mA measurement and percent of 4 to 20 mA span

Clear measurement presentation

Allows quick measurement evaluation

Measurement Spotlight

Illuminates hard to see wires in dark enclosures

Measurement process is easier and quicker

Measure up to 99.9 mA range non-contact

Wide range of measurements

Measures 10 to 50 mA signals in older control systems

Automatic power off

After 15 minutes and 2 minute automatic off for backlight and spotlight

Saves battery life





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